I'm kind of a big deal...

Monday, July 9, 2012



So the past 5 days have been absolutely miserable for me! I was admitted in the hospital recently with what was a peritonsillar abscess.  I don't want to gross anyone out but they essentially had to drain the abscess so I could swallow and talk again (it was that bad). So I was released yesterday and feel 100% better.  I was told that I need to get my tonsils removed in order to prevent this from happening again since my throat pain initially began as strep throat.  On top of all that, I caught my 4 year old daughter humming "Beez in the Trap" by Nicki Minaj. When I asked my hubby where she learned the song he slowly backed out of the room with his head down....

So, I'm officially back in business! Not quite 100% but I'm close to it.  Today's post is inspired by my recent obsession with gingham.  Well, it's more of a fascination really.  If  you would have asked me several months ago if I would ever wear gingham the answer would've been a resounding "No!". For me, gingham conjures up images of rusticity: farmers, clapboard cabins in the woods, and pants hiked to your breast bone. As of recent, I've been seeing alot of gingham and plaid fashions out there, some more appealing than others. I bought this top from Old Navy and wanted to see how I could make it funky (or to "put some stank on it" as my wizened cousin would say).  So I have two different looks for you to see and to judge. In the second set of photos, I'm wearing my super bad-@ass earrings from BeadsbyAree.  These one's are called "Pyramids".  When I saw them on uber-blogger Marie Denee recently, I knew I had to have them. These earrings are expertly crafted and are super fierce--definitely not for the pearls and studs girl! I encourage you to check out Areeayl's site, she has some super sick pieces up!

Top: Old Navy
Pants: eloquii skinny jean in "Astoria Wash"...my new "go-to" pants!
Shoes: H&M
Earrings: BeadsbyAree
Earrings (top photos): Ashley Stewart
Necklace (top photos): F21
Belt (top photos): American Eagle
Wallet (top photos): H&M

Ava wanted to get her pose in too

My daughter Lilah and her "y'all mofo's are crazy" look...

Thanks for hanging with me and thanks for reading my blog! June's final giveaway is around the corner (yeah, yeah, yeah I know it's July) so be on the lookout!


  1. Super cute. I love the 2nd look, it reminds me of a sort of pin up/Marilyn Monroe outfit, loves it. And your girls are just adorable. Glad you're feeling better!


  2. love these looks! That necklace is really cute!

  3. I love how effortlessly you pull off this gingham look... You look stunning as usual :)


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