Thanks so much for hanging with me during my Mariah Carey breakdown. I'm getting pretty good at this "perspective" thing and now know that everything will be okay when all is said and done. I'm a big believer in taking baby steps towards your goals and with life in general and so that has been my mantra in recent weeks. In any case, thanks for your support and thanks for showing me continued love.
So let me tell you a story about my pants. When I first saw them at Tarjay I was totally like "Ewwww". But anyone who knows me well knows me that I have a love affair with things that are ugly. So even though I was like "Ewwww" I found myself passing them like ten times. But I didn't buy them. Sometimes Izzy needs to sleep on decisions as major as whether to buy an ugly pair of pants. And so the next day I went on the Tarjay site to see if I could see a picture of them on a model. No dice. Ultimately, I just bought them because the Tarjay site told me to. Well, not really but with all those glossy headers and colors saying how you can save 20% if you by 3 or more clothing items AND you can get free shipping if you spend over $50....I mean you'd be a dummy not to take advantage right? Right?? *looks around for affirmation*
Funny story for you. Today I was shadowing a patient at my job and she looks at me and says (very sincerely) "you have such a beautiful face". Now, I'm accustomed to hearing the "you have a pretty face" comment (or some version thereof) and sometimes I accept it and sometimes I feel like messing with the person who issued the compliment. Today, I felt like the latter. "Oh?" I replied, "what about the rest of me?" She literally looked me up and down a couple of times then said, "You have nice eyebrows too". womp womp.
Top: F21 (main range)
Pants: Tarjay
Belt: H&M
Shoes: H&M
Brown coinlet: H&M
Teal clutch: F21
Necklace: Anthro
Bangles: F21
Earrings: F21
In closing, I want to say that I'm very sad that the warm weather has gone. I'm definitely a spring/summer gal and tend to get a bit ornery during colder months. I know warm mugs of cocoa sprinkled with nutmeg and footie pajamas should make me happy but they just don't. You wanna know who is excited by these things? Take one guess.....
If you want to get up to speed on all of my shenanigans then follow me on Instagram: Izzygetsbizzy1 or Twitter @Izzygetsbizzy!